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Welcome to my worlds!

This page will go over different worlds I've created for a worldbuilding project of mine (others are involved too) Main one being Zeptahr, hence my online alias on most places I'm on!


Home planet of the Zeptilians, the bipedal reptilians who like their fancy starships. (I'm one of those!)


Mostly oceanic planet with some islands and a supercontinent at its North Pole. It is home to the Hyiagans, a group of amphibians who contend for the most powerful civilization in the galaxy.

Hyiagan society is typically divided between the two major groups: the Serena, and the Consentra. The Serena inhabit the Serenian archipelago (hence the name) and have been a sea-faring people throughout most of history. The Consentra live on the mainland supercontinent at Hyiaga’s pole. Most of the interior is uninhabited, with some settlements speckled about, while most of the Consentra live near the coasts of the mainland.

These groups clashed together throughout most of history but their rivalry did not truly start until the Serena kicked off an 'age of exploration' of sorts in which they developed colonization by establishing key trade ports and contesting the Consentra for their land. They managed to conquer the globe and have the Consentra entirely within their control as expendable laborers or slaves.

[I will add more lore here soon, Hyiagan history is written by Sir_Govna and so I can only share what I have gone over with him.]

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